Mexico Highway Heroes: Angels Verde  


Highway Heroes: Angels Verde        

Tara A. Spear

Driving through scenic Mexico is an enjoyable experience: beautiful vistas, charming villages to check out. It’s fun, that is, until the dash lights up indicating engine trouble. Hmm, you’re hours away from the nearest town and it’s been an hour since the last toll booth. Not to worry, in Mexico they treat their drivers right by providing reliable roadside mechanical service-FREE! There is a professional agency called Green Angels that is just a cell call away.

It’s an interesting story how this amazing organization came into existence. Nearly sixty years ago some US travelers were in the middle of the desert in Baja California when they became stranded. They were without food for several days with the car broken down. Suddenly, the Americans visualized angels in green uniforms who came to their aid and saved their lives. The travelers called the team “Green Angels” baptizing the fledging service with this name.  As its name indicates, this group of men is dedicated to service as guardians who are in charge of safeguarding the wellbeing of the people who transit the highways and toll ways of Mexico.

When Green Angels arrives at the scene they immediately make a diagnosis of the problem. Depending on the severity, they make calls or connections with institutions such as the Federal Police, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, ambulances, helicopters, tow trucks, etc.

 01-800-987-8224 or 078.  You can dial these numbers from any conventional or cell phone; they will direct emergency assistance to you including towing services to the nearest tollgate or mechanic in the area.                               

According to the Mexican Department of Tourism, (SECTUR) the Ángeles Verdes (Green Angels) is a fleet of tourist assistance units with a professional crew who are trained in mechanics and first aid. This road assistance was division was created in 1960. They patrol all federal and toll highways in Mexico and offer free assistance in the case of a breakdown, accident, or medical emergency and during a natural disaster. The Green Angels drivers are knowledgeable about road conditions and can provide travel information. The Green Angels are funded by Mexico’s Secretary of Tourism. They have over415 vehicles that patrol 260 Mexican highways every day and log in over 22 million kilometers each year, providing assistance to motorists.  

The toll-free 078 phone number is a 24-hour hotline that you can call for telephone assistance at any time. However, the Angeles Verdes vehicle service runs from 8 am to 6 pm every day of the year.

Remember that the Ángeles Verdes service is only offered on major highways and toll roads, so if you choose to travel on the free roads (carreteras libres), you’re on your own in the event of a breakdown. You can still contact the 078 hotline for information.

The Green Angels service can be compared to the AAA in the U.S. but offering much more. The patrolling GA trucks carry tools and spare parts, looking for motorists in trouble. The Green Angels will provide mechanical assistance, first aid, basic supplies, and towing. In addition, they also have a communication network with different government offices if needed.

Any service provided by the Green Angels is free of charge. You will need to pay for any parts, gas or oil they may use to get your car up and running, though. If you appreciate the assistance they give you, give a tip to the mechanic.   

The mission of the Green Angels is: “To help the tourist have a pleasant experience on their vacations and road trips.” From my personal experience, I can attest to the quality and professional assistance. The Green Angels loaded up me and my car besides driving me more than 60 kilometers to a safe place for repair. No charge! (Unbelievable) I wanted to hug the guy.  It was my first time to ride in a flatbed tow truck; quite a different view of the road than from my compact car. My grandchildren are impressed that I got to ride in such a vehicle; I am so impressed that I was rescued.

Put the Green Angels contact number in your phone before you hit the highways-and then enjoy your trip.