Idaho fugitive who taunted cops on Facebook captured in Mexico seaside town after year on lam

Nick Grove, 28, was captured in Tulum, Mexico, more than a year after escaping the Payette County Jail.
A fugitive who taunted Idaho authorities from his new life in Mexico on Facebook was captured Thursday after more than a year on the lam.
The U.S. Marshals Service tracked a leaner, sun-tanned Nick Grove, 28, to his “new life” in the sandy resort town of Tulum, 80 miles south of Cancun, investigators announced at a media briefing Friday.
Grove spent only 11 days in a Payette jail before scaling its razor-wired fence in an August 2014 flight for freedom. He then crossed the border to find a “new ID, new face, new job.”
The escapee was “less than cooperative” during his arrest, KTVB-TV reported.