Tara A. Spears

Fashion Show Kicks Off Sponsorship Drive
The planning committee for the Women to Women Fashion Show group is ramping up efforts foranother exceptional event January 30, 2019. Unlike north of the border, whenyou become a sponsor for our little team of dedicated volunteers, a little goesa long way! We keep our overhead lowbecause there is no salary paid, no office to maintain; our 100% volunteer teamstrives to maximize your donation effectiveness. For as little as $80 Canadian/USyou can help sponsor a bright, talented Mexican young lady to go to university.Not only will her future be positively impacted, but so will the community ofJaltemba Bay. Dig a little deeper, give $250 Canadian/US and you can provide anentire semester at university!

For more than 15 years the Women to Women Fashion Show has been the premier social event on the coast. This exciting afternoon has a purpose: the proceeds have always gone directly backto benefit this rural Mexican community. The group’s initiatives have strongly supported education: Women to Women is currently providing 18 university scholarships after having nine recentgraduates; purchasing school breakfast sat the La Penita middle school school; contributing funding to support a newsafe house for abused women (GEMA); and distributed 42 Christmas food bags toneedy families.
Supporting our causes just got easier as the Fashion Show Committee is excited to introduce a new coordinator for Sponsorships, Lauri Kloepfer. This energetic business woman is the person to contact if you’re interested in giving. Email: laurikloepfer@gmail.com or messenger Lauri Kloepfer.
Fashion Show is thrilled to have one of ourlong-time supporters, Agneta Dyck, Guayabitos Yoga to become the first to stepup for 2019! “The Fashion Show organization continues to make a difference in the community. I am proud to sponsor this annual afternoon event that is enjoyed by so many. At theend of the day, it’s all about the individuals whose future looks so muchbrighter with funds raised from this great event.”
2019 Sponsorship Opportunities: Platinum $10,000 or more pesos (includes 2 complimentary event tickets); Gold $6000 pesos (includes 1 comp ticket); Silver $3000 pesos; Bronze $1500 pesos. In appreciation of your sponsorship you will receive: A Media Release on Social Media prior to the Fashion Show; Recognition certificate – hard copy and electronic copy that can be posted on your website or in your place of business; Your name and logo added to our media releases and on our Facebook Page and our website; Oral recognition at the Fashion Show; and your nae/ logo published in the event program. A Factura or receipt is available upon request.

Become part of the “IN” crowd by being seen at the Lady in Red Fashion Show! By becoming a Fashion Show Sponsor your generosity will have a lifetime impact.
Tickets are sold online at the Fashion Show website: www.mujeresamujeres.com or every Thursday at the La Penita market from 9:30am to noon. All seats are advance sale only. Join your friends to walk the red carpet on Wednesday January 30, 2018.
2019 Fashion Show Sponsors