3 thoughts on “Contact Us

  1. is there anywhere I can buy the water feature that has the pitcher bowl and stand as shown on this page

  2. My name is Murry Page and I am a retired attorney living in Mazatlán. For five years I wrote a column, The Page Turner, for the English language newspaper, The Mazatlán Messenger. My articles were about the history, people, and culture of Mexico.
    I have written a book and in November of last year published it on Amazon. The book, The Gringo Guide to Mexico – Its History, People, and Culture, is a two volume series, each volume containing twenty-eight of those articles.
    The articles run the gamut; from articles about Hernán Cortés and Benito Juárez to Mexican Politics for Dummies and Tenancingo – Pimp City. Lighter articles are also included, such as Chiclets – The Candy Coated Gum and Santa Claus Comes to Mexico. When published the book was Amazon’s No. 1 New Release in the two categories of Mexican Travel and Mexico History.
    The intended audience for my book is foreign nationals who call Mexico “home” and those who hope to in the future. I believe an expat living in Mexico has an obligation to know as much about their home country as is reasonably possible. My book helps a foreign national meet this obligation in an interesting manner.
    You can see the book (Kindle eBook and Paperback) and its reviews at https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=The+Gringo+Guide+to+Mexico+-+Its+History
    If the format and purpose of Sol Mexico News is compatible, I would like to promote my book on it. I hope we may be able to work together. If you have an interest I would be happy to send you a PDF file of one of the two volumes for your review.
    Thank you for your time and consideration and I will wait to hear from you.
    Murry Page
    Email: murry_page@yahoo.com

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