110 Pink Ribbons Stand for Life at Cancer Walk 2017
Tara A. Spears
Hundreds of supporters came together to celebrate life at the annual Jaltemba Walk against Cancer event. This very crazy and fun afternoon is the sole source of funding for the early detection program that provides diagnostic mammograms, ultrasounds, and pap tests to low income women. Here are the powerful numbers: of the 110 diagnostic tests that were given last year, 11 instances of cancer required further medical treatment! Five of those 11 women had no symptoms but were high risk due (due to a close family member with breast cancer.) It truly illustrates what a difference early detection makes.
Here’s the backstory on the importance of mammogram. According the American Breast Cancer foundation, “Annual mammograms can detect cancer early — when it is most treatable. In fact, mammograms show changes in the breast up to two years before a patient or physician can feel them. Mammograms can also prevent the need for extensive treatment for advanced cancers and improve chances of breast conservation. Current guidelines from the American College of Radiology, the American Cancer Society, and the Society for Breast Imaging recommend that women receive annual mammograms starting at age 40 if they have symptoms or family history of breast cancer.”
Why have this type of fundraiser in a Mexican vacation beach town? Because there is a tremendous need for financial assistance. The state of Nayarit is primarily agricultural with spread out rural villages that cannot provide the diagnostic screenings to local women. In addition, Nayarit has exceptionally high incidence of female cancers. It was the brainchild of Dorothy Bell to hold a fundraiser to generate funds to provide mammograms for the local women. The response to the initial walk was huge! It was decided to continue the event; the 2017 Walk against Cancer and street party generated an impressive $129,507 pesos. That means that this effort to save lives will continue.
The current event format includes the march along the highway and down main street to culminate at the street party. This party includes an exciting live auction, dancing, silent auction, booby burger, dancing. Ah yes, plenty of icy cold beer! Advance beer and burger tickets are available at the starting point the morning of the walk, making it quicker to get a libation at the party end. A local supporter, Karla, donated the cutting of her precious hair to make a wig for cancer patients. This act of generosity raised $7,000 pesos!
Mark the date for the 2018 Cancer Walk: Monday, 12 February leaving Corona at 11:00
Thank you, thank you to everyone who comes to our wacky walk! See you next year!
The reason Cancer Walk has such effective initiatives is that we have outstanding sponsors: Hinde and Jaime Bar and Restaurant- open 7 days a week
Please note that the mega talented Adan Gonzales has DONATED his professional service for SEVEN YEARS! There would not be the wonderful time without his lively music. If you’re having any type of an occasion, email for arrangements: adanxtremedj@hotmail.com Thank you Adan for all your help!
Lastly, Maxieventos Doris provides the seating and tables for our event- always lovely! No party too small for her expert set up and catering. You can stop by her office or call 01 327 107 0387 or cell 322 1943688